10: People Have Retreated to the Easiest Solutions

In this episode of The Courage to Listen, Rev Brown speaks with Professor Khalil Gibran Muhammad. They cover many topics including:

  • Professor Muhammad's childhood in Chicago - growing up as the great grandson of Elijah Muhammad, the Founder of The Nation of Islam
  • The historical context of BLM and the role of political education in improving the lives of future generations
  • How the world's interconnectedness may change the outcome of the current impulses of European and American nationalism and xenophobia

About our guest:

Khalil Gibran Muhammad, PhD is a Professor of History, Race, and Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, The Suzanne Young Murray Professor at the Radcliffe Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy, The Director Emeritus at the Schomburg Center and the author of The Condemnation of Blackness

References (links):

Ida B Wells

Kerner Commission

1935 Harlem race riot

The Negro in Harlem: A Report on Social and Economic Conditions Responsible for the Outbreak of March 19, 1935 (excerpt here)

E Franklin Frazier

Hush Harbor

Friends of Reconciliation Comic Books

Movement for Black Lives